Tuesday 26 November 2013


Assalamualaikum and hi :D

Lets proceed to the most toughest project (for me), project 5 : Sense of Place, Neighbourhood & Community.  And Ive chose Sunway Mutiara, Batu Maung as my site. This is an individual project. In order to complete this task, we have to do site analysis at the given neighbourhood areas which we have to choose one. Meaning that, we went to the site by group, but the analysis done by every individu. Its quite challenging when
on the first time we went to the site, by a rental car, it was raining there when we were arrived. Its more sadden when we camed for the second time, it was also raining. But we managed to do some of the site analysis, and take some photos of the neighbourhood area.

For project 5a, we have to present the existing elements graphically on an A2 size catridge paper. This is the pictures of my work while its still in progress.

Next, for project 5b, also in A2 size paper, we have to propose some suggestions of improvement at the neighbourhood area. But unfortunately, I doesnt have the pictures of my final works for 5a and 5b. Its kinda dissapointing :( 

In the completion on this project, I have gone through many nights with only 1-2 hours of sleep. Even Im not satisfied with what my final product turns to be, but Im proud of my effort and sacrifices to finished up this project :)

Monday 25 November 2013


Assalamualaikum and hi :D

Next, its about project 4, presentation drawing. We have to draw our L-shape comfortable chair which we have designed in the last project.
It is compulsory for us to present the drawing in 2 A3 paper size. In the first paper, we have to draw
- the plan view
- rear view
- front view
- left side view
- right side view. As shown as below,

In the other paper, we have to draw the one point perspective and axonometric drawing of our chair. This is my drawing turns to be,

During this project progressed, I experienced to stay up all night long in the studio. Through out my 19 years life, I have never missed my night sleep even once. So this is my first time experience, and since then Ive also get used to it :D


Assalamualaikum and hi :D

Project 3b, its about objects connection. This project is not an individual task, but we are devided to a group of 3. For my team, I have to collaborate with Nur Najiah bt Mohd Bakhtiar and Nur Shakirin Atirah bt Ibrahim. We have to creat an L-shape comforTABLE chair, which is the chair must be connected to the table. After having the great teamworks, we managed to produce this creation.

We named it as Albatross Chair, mainly because we were in HBP orientation week, named Albatross week. We struggling between this project and also to participate in our orientation week during the project's progression. There was one night that we cant have our sweet dream in order to complete the task. But eventually when the project is completed, its a really big relief :D


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone :D

Project 3a, the title is object creation. We have been given a task to create a sculpture. We are free to invent any types or any shapes of sculpture, as long as its in the theme of unity. Therefore, I come out with this sculpture.

I get the idea while Im watching a YouTube video, then I take the idea and modified it to my style. The period between this project were given to us and the submission's date is only one week. But it is only 4 days to be exact, because we got to participate in our Pimpin Siswa, for 3 days, starting Friday till Sunday. In that hectic week, Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah cause I managed to complete the task. 

Anddd, Alhamdulillah, Im glad that my sculpture has been chosen as one of the special mention in RUS104 2013/2014 website :D